Contact and FAQ


Do you want to learn more?

Check out our FAQs, and contact us below to begin a discussion about your interview training needs and our pricing for facilitation


We have yet to see a program this simple yet so effective at being sure that the right questions are being asked for the right roles. Jason’s 20+ years of international experience as a recruiter will help you ask the right questions so that you can assess potential candidates quickly.

Jason Hatchell.  You can find his profile here.

We are happy to discuss travel to other destinations as well as online options.

We can also provide this service in Japanese, though our primary language for this service is in English.

The cost is USD1,000 per participant plus applicable tax (minimum of 9 participants), plus travel expenses.

Facilitation of the program lasts approximately 1 business day.

A lot of people are familiar with behavioral and situational interviewing by now. However, many interviewers still have a difficult time narrowing down what questions are appropriate to ask when interviewing for a role depending on the job level being sought for hire. Additionally, even if an interviewer knows how to perform behavioral interviewing, we feel that organizations often miss checking for competencies integral to candidate success in a new role.

Many interviewing training programs are based on an Ameri-centric approach. The Interview Pyramid peeks inside the black box of recruiting to take a more fundamental approach to interviewing by making interviewers aware of simple but often overlooked competencies, regardless of the country you are seeking to recruit in or the values of your organization.

Certainly! We find this best performed in a small group or a position by position basis, where we can identify not only problems with the interview questions themselves, but also uncover recruitment process bottlenecks within your organization.


General Inquiries

Please fill out the form below and let us know how we can help you.