Jason Hatchell

Having recruited in Tokyo since 1999, Jason has lived in Japan for over 20 years, and is currently Managing Director of J-Source Corporation, a boutique high-end recruitment consultancy. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Jason is fluent in English and Japanese.

In his over 20 years of executive search in Tokyo, he has filled many senior level positions within the raw materials, manufacturing, capital goods, finance, retail, software and consulting areas. Jason prides himself on being able to tailor recruitment solutions for even the toughest of searches in the market.

Jason has also put in time as a commentator on TV and radio in Japan, creating and presenting material related to educational and cross-cultural issues East vs West. Jason is an avid baseball fan, and a budding triathlete.

Take a look at Jason’s LinkedIn profile, as well as the website of J-Source Corporation.